1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:NSFC 3167070274,自动化认知调节策略及其训练对成年早期抑郁的干预:行为与脑的可塑性研究,2017/01-2020/12,参研
Chen, Shengdong*, Deng Zhongyan*, Xu Yin, Long Quanshan, Yang Jiemin and Yuan Jiajin(2017). Individual differences in spontaneous expressive suppression predict amygdala responses to fearful stimuli: the role of suppression priming. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 1. (SSCI-Q2, IF=2.129)
Chen,Shengdong*, Chen Changming*, Yang Jiemin and Yuan Jiajin (2017). Trait self-consciousness predicts amygdala activation and its functional connectivity during emotional suppression: an fMRI analysis.Scientific Reports(SSCI-Q1, IF:4.29).
Gao, Wei*,Chen, Shengdong*, Biswal, B., Lei, X., & Yuan, Jiajin. (2018). Temporal dynamics of spontaneous default-mode network activity mediate the association between reappraisal and depression.Social cognitive and affective neuroscience(SSCI-Q1,5-year IF= 4.52),13(12), 1235-1247.
陈圣栋*,陈永强*,高伟,罗利,杨洁敏,袁加锦. (2019). "认知加工的自动化现象:从二分法到渐进观."心理科学进展27(9): 1-8.
Chen, Shengdong, Yu Kang, Yang Jiemin and Yuan Jiajin (2020). Automatic Reappraisal-Based Implementation Intention Produces Early and Sustainable Emotion Regulation Effects: Event-Related Potential Evidence. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 14, 89. SCI(Q2).
Zhang, Yicheng*,Chen, Shengdong*, Deng, Zhongyan, Yang, Jiemin, & Yuan, Jiajin (2020). Benefits of Implicit Regulation of Instructed Fear: Evidence From Neuroimaging and Functional Connectivity. Frontiers in Neuroscience, SSCI(Q2)
Xing Huang*,Shengdong Chen*, Wei Gao, Jiemin Yang, Jiajin Yuan (2020). Emotion regulation by implementation intention is generalizable to unspecified situations: the nature of the underlying goal matters. Acta Psychologica.210, 103144. SSCI (Q2).
Chen, Shengdong, Ding, Nanxiang, Wang Fushun, Li Zhihao, Qin Shaozheng, Bharat B. Biswal, Yuan Jiajin. (2021). Functional Decoupling of Emotion Coping Network Subsides Automatic Emotion Regulation by Implementation Intention. Neural Plasticity, 2021.
高伟,陈圣栋,龙泉珊,杨洁敏,袁加锦.情绪调节研究方法的蜕变:从有意情绪调节到自动化情绪调节(2017). Chinese Science Bulletin (科学通报).
Zhang, H., Chen, X.,Chen, Shengdong, Li, Y., Chen, C., Long, Q., & Yuan, J. (2018). Facial Expression Enhances Emotion Perception Compared to Vocal Prosody: Behavioral and fMRI Studies.Neuroscience Bulletin (IF=4.26).
Yu, K., Liao, Y., Fu, D.,Chen, Shengdong, Long, Q., Xu, P., & Yuan, J. (2020). Androgyny eliminates sex differences in emotional reactivity: ERP and network coupling evidences. Neuroscience letters, 720, 134776.
Yuan, J., Long, Q., Li, X., Deng, Z., Ma, B.,Chen, Shengdong, & Yang, J. (2019). Regulatory effect of implicit acceptance during outcome evaluation: The temporal dynamics in an event-related potential study.International journal of psychophysiology(SSCI-Q1, IF:3.2).
Ma, B., Meng, X. X., Long, Q., Zhang, Z.,Chen, Shengdong,Yang, J., ... & Yuan, J. (2019). Automatic self-focused and situation-focused reappraisal of disgusting emotion by implementation intention: an ERP study. Cognitive Neurodynamics(IF=3.021),1-11.